Jul 22, 2022
Password Files- Files

The password file is an optional file that permits the remote SYSDBA or administrator access to the database. When you attempt to start Oracle, there is no database available that can be consulted to verify passwords. When you start Oracle on the local system (i.e., not over the network, but from the machine the database instance will reside on), Oracle will use the OS to perform the authentication.

When Oracle was installed, the person performing the installation was asked to specify an OS group for the administrators. Normally, on UNIX/Linux, this group will be DBA by default, and ORA_DBA on Windows. It can be any legitimate group name on that platform, however. That group is “special,” in that any user in that group can connect to Oracle “as SYSDBA” without specifying a username or password.

However, what happens if you attempt to connect as SYSDBA over the network to a remote database:

$ sqlplus sys/foo@localhost:1521/CDB as sysdba


ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

OS authentication won’t work over the network for SYSDBA, even if the very unsafe (for security reasons) parameter REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT is set to true. So, OS authentication won’t work, and, as discussed earlier, if you’re trying to start up an instance to mount and open a database, then by definition there’s no database yet in which to look up authentication details. It is the proverbial chicken and egg problem.

Enter the password file. The password file stores a list of usernames and passwords that are allowed to remotely authenticate as SYSDBA over the network. Oracle must use this file to authenticate them, not the normal list of passwords stored in the database.

So, let’s correct our situation. First, verify that the REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE parameter is set to the default of EXCLUSIVE, meaning only one database uses a given password file:

SQL> show parameter remote_login_passwordfile
remote_login_passwordfile string EXCLUSIVE

Note Other valid values for this parameter are NONE, meaning there is no password file (there are no remote SYSDBA connections), and SHARED (more than one database can use the same password file).

The next step is to use the command-line tool (on UNIX/Linux and Windows) named orapwd to create and populate the initial password file:

$ orapwd

Usage: orapwd file= entries= force= asm= dbuniquename= format= sysbackup= sysdg= syskm= delete= input_file=Usage: orapwd describe file=where

There must be no spaces around the equal-to (=) character.

The command we’ll use when logged into the operating system account that owns the Oracle software is

$ orapwd file=orapw$ORACLE_SID password=foo entries=20

This creates a password file named orapwCDB in my case (my ORACLE_SID is CDB). That’s the naming convention for this file on most UNIX/Linux platforms (see your installation/OS admin guide for details on the naming of this file on your platform), and it resides in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. On Windows, this file is named PW%ORACLE_SID%.ora, and it’s located in the %ORACLE_HOME%\database directory. You should navigate to the correct directory prior to running the command to create that file, or move that file into the correct directory afterward.

Now, currently the only user in that file is SYS, even if there are other SYSDBA accounts on that database (they are not in the password file yet). Using that knowledge, however, we can for the first time connect as SYSDBA over the network:

$ sqlplus sys/foo@localhost:1521/CDB as sysdba
SQL> show user

Note If you experience an ORA-12505 “TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect Descriptor” error during this step, that means that the database listener is not configured with a static registration entry for this server. The DBA has not permitted remote SYSDBA connections when the database instance is not up. You would need to configure static server registration in your listener.ora configuration file. Please search for “Configuring Static Service Information” (in quotes) on the OTN (Oracle Technology Network) documentation search page for the version of the database you are using for details on configuring this static service. If you encounter an ORA-12528 “TNS:listener: all appropriate instances are blocking new connections” error, you can also configure the tnsnames.ora file with the UR=A parameter that will allow you to connect to a blocked instance.

We have been authenticated, so we are in. We can now successfully start up, shut down, and remotely administer this database using the SYSDBA account. Now, we have another user, TKYTE, who has been granted SYSDBA, but will not be able to connect remotely yet:

$ sqlplus tkyte/foobar@PDB1 as sysdba


ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

The reason for this is that TKYTE is not yet in the password file. In order to get TKYTE into the password file, we need to “regrant” that account the SYSDBA privilege:

$ sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> alter session set container=PDB1; SQL> grant sysdba to tkyte; Grant succeeded.

SQL> exit
$ sqlplus tkyte/foobar@PDB1 as sysdba

This created an entry in the password file for us, and Oracle will now keep the password in sync. If TKYTE alters their password, the old one will cease working for remote SYSDBA connections, and the new one will start working. The same process is repeated for any user who was a SYSDBA but is not yet in the password file.

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