Jul 22, 2023
Manual PGA Memory Management- Memory Structures

There are only a few scenarios that I can think of where manual PGA memory management may be appropriate. One is if you’re running an old version of Oracle and do not have the option to upgrade.

Another situation may be that you run large batch jobs that run during periods when they are the only activities in the instance where manual PGA management may provide performance benefits.

Therefore, it’s possible you may find yourself in an environment where this type of PGA memory management is used. Other than those scenarios, the manual management style should be avoided.

In manual PGA memory management, the following are the parameters that have the largest impact on the size of your PGA, outside of the memory allocated by your session for PL/SQL tables and other variables:

•\ SORT_AREA_SIZE: The total amount of RAM that will be used to sort information before swapping out to disk (using disk space in the temporary tablespace the user is assigned to).

•\ SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE: The amount of memory that will be used to hold sorted data after the sort is complete. That is, if SORT_AREA_ SIZE is 512KB and SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE is 256KB, your server process would use up to 512KB of memory to sort data during the initial processing of the query. When the sort is complete, the sorting area would “shrink” down to 256KB, and any sorted data that does not fit in that 256KB would be written out to the temporary tablespace.

•\ HASH_AREA_SIZE: The amount of memory your server process can use to store hash tables in memory. These structures are used during a hash join, typically when joining a large set with another set. The smaller of the two sets would be hashed into memory, and anything that didn’t fit in the hash area region of memory would be stored in the temporary tablespace by the join key.

Note Before using the parameters in the prior list, you must set the WORKAREA_ SIZE_POLICY parameter to MANUAL.

These parameters control the amount of space Oracle will use to sort or hash data in memory before using the temporary tablespace on disk, and how much of that memory segment will be retained after the sort is done. The SORT_AREA_SIZE (minus SORT_AREA_ RETAINED_SIZE) calculated value is generally allocated out of your PGA, and the SORT_ AREA_RETAINED_SIZE value will be in your UGA.

Here are the important things to remember about using the *_AREA_SIZE parameters:

•\ These parameters control the maximum amount of memory used by a SORT, HASH, or BITMAP MERGE operation.

•\ A single query may have many operations taking place that use this memory, and multiple sort/hash areas could be created. Remember that you may have many cursors opened simultaneously, each with its own SORT_AREA_RETAINED needs. So, if you set the sort area size to 10MB, you could use 10, 100, 1000, or more megabytes of RAM in your session. These settings are not session limits; rather, they are limits on a single operation, and your session could have many sorts in a single query or many queries open that require a sort.

•\ The memory for these areas is allocated on an “as needed” basis. If you set the sort area size to 1GB as we did, it doesn’t mean you’ll allocate 1GB of RAM. It only means that you’ve given the Oracle process the permission to allocate that much memory for a sort/hash operation.

Now that we’ve briefly reviewed manual PGA memory management, let’s move on to what you should be using, automatic PGA memory management.

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