Oct 22, 2023
Fast Recovery Area (FRA)- Files
The FRA in Oracle is a location where the database will manage many of the files related to database backup and recovery. In this area (an area being a part of a disk set aside for this purpose; a directory, for example), you could find the following:
•\ RMAN backup pieces (full and/or incremental backups)
•\ RMAN image copies (byte-for-byte copies of datafiles and controlfiles)
•\ Online redo logs
•\ Archived redo logs
•\ Multiplexed control files
•\ Flashback logs
Oracle uses this new area to manage these files, so the server will know what is on disk and what is not on disk (and perhaps on tape elsewhere). Using this information, the database can perform operations like a disk-to-disk restore of a damaged datafile or the flashing back (a “rewind” operation) of the database to undo an operation that should not have taken place. For example, you could use the FLASHBACK DATABASE command to put the database back the way it was five minutes ago (without doing a full restore of the database and a point-in-time recovery). That would allow you to “undrop” that accidentally dropped user account.
To set up an FRA, you need to set two parameters: db_recovery_file_dest_size and db_recovery_file_dest. You can view the current settings of these parameters via
SQL> show parameter db_recovery_file_dest
db_recovery_file_dest string /opt/oracle/fra
db_recovery_file_dest_size big integer 100G
The Fast Recovery Area is more of a logical concept. It is a holding area for the file types discussed in this chapter. Its use is optional—you don’t need to use it, but if you want to use some advanced features, such as the Flashback Database, you must use this area to store the information.
Data Pump Files
Data Pump is a file format used by at least two tools in Oracle. External tables can load and unload data in the Data Pump format, and the import/export tools IMPDP and EXPDP use this file format.
They are cross-platform (portable) binary files that contain metadata (not stored in CREATE/ALTER statements, but rather in XML) and possibly data.
That they use XML as a metadata representation structure is actually relevant to you and me as end users of the tools. IMPDP and EXPDP have some sophisticated filtering and translation capabilities.
This is in part due to the use of XML and to the fact that a CREATE TABLE statement is not stored as a CREATE TABLE, but rather as a marked-up document.
This permits easy implementation of a request like “Please replace all references to tablespace FOO with tablespace BAR.” IMPDP just has to apply a simple XML transformation to accomplish the same. FOO, when it refers to a TABLESPACE, would be surrounded by FOO tags (or some other similar representation).
In Chapter 15, we’ll take a closer look at these tools. Before we get there, however, let’s see how we can use this Data Pump format to quickly extract some data from database A and move it to database B. We’ll be using an “external table in reverse” here.
External tables give us the ability to read flat files—plain old text files—as if they were database tables. We have the full power of SQL to process them. They are read-only and designed to get data from outside Oracle in. External tables can go the other way: they can be used to get data out of the database in the Data Pump format to facilitate moving the data to another machine or another platform. To start this exercise, we’ll need a DIRECTORY object, telling Oracle the location to unload to:
SQL> create or replace directory tmp as ‘/tmp’; Directory created.
SQL> create table all_objects_unload organization external
( type oracle_datapumpdefault directory TMPlocation( ‘allobjects.dat’ ))
asselect * from all_objects
Table created.
And that literally is all there is to it: we have a file in /tmp named allobjects.dat that contains the contents of the query select * from all_objects. We can peek at this information:
SQL> !strings /tmp/allobjects.dat | head x86_64/Linux 2.4.xxAL32UTF8 i<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?…
That’s just the head, or top, of the file. Now, using a binary SCP, you can move that file to any other platform where you have Oracle installed and by issuing a CREATE DIRECTORY statement (to tell the database where the file is) and a CREATE TABLE statement, such as this:
organization external
( type oracle_datapump default directory TMP location( ‘allobjects.dat’ ));
You would be set to read that unloaded data using SQL immediately. That is the power of the Data Pump file format: immediate transfer of data from system to system, over “sneakernet” if need be. Think about that the next time you’d like to take a subset of data home to work with over the weekend while testing.
Even if the database character sets differ (they did not in this example), Oracle has the ability now to recognize the differing character sets due to the Data Pump format and deal with them. Character set conversion can be performed on the fly as needed to make the data “correct” in each database’s representation.
Again, we’ll come back to the Data Pump file format in Chapter 15, but this section should give you an overall feel for what it is about and what might be contained in the file.
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